§ 16-53. Keeping of permanent register by hotels and other lodging facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Permanent register to be kept . Each person who shall keep, maintain and operate in this county any hotel or other lodging facility as defined herein shall keep a permanent register on which he shall enter, or cause to be entered, the name and address of every person furnished lodging at or in such hotel or other lodging facility, and the license number and state of registration of the motor vehicle, if any, being used at such time by the person furnished such lodging. If any person who keeps, maintains and operates in this county any hotel or other lodging facility shall fail or refuse to keep the register herein provided for, he shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished accordingly. He shall also be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and, upon conviction, thereof shall be punished accordingly if he shall knowingly enter or allow to be entered on such register the license number and state of registration of any motor vehicle not being used by the person for whom registered. Each day one or both of the foregoing violations occurs shall constitute separate offenses and, upon conviction, shall be punished as such.


    Definition . "Hotel or other lodging facility" means any place offering to the public for compensation transitory lodging or sleeping accommodations, overnight or otherwise, including but not limited to facilities known by varying nomenclatures or designations as hotels, motels, travel lodges, tourist homes, or hostels.


    Register open to inspection by law enforcement officers . The register provided for herein shall at all times be open to inspection by law enforcement officers of the county and of this state.


    Use of false or fictitious names . If any person applying for or furnished any lodging, at or in any hotel or other lodging facility shall use any false or fictitious name, or enter, or cause to be entered, any false or fictitious name on any register provided for herein, he shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished accordingly.

    (Ord. No. 86-83, 6-3-86)

    Cross reference— Smoke detectors required in motels, hotels, etc., § 5-82; defrauding motels, § 16-30; transient occupancy tax, §§ 26-121 et seq.

(Ord. No. 86-83, 6-3-86)

Cross reference

Smoke detectors required in motels, hotels, etc., § 5-82; defrauding motels, § 16-30; transient occupancy tax, §§ 26-121 et seq.